In the 1960s, people started thinking about the need for a mechanism to guarantee that food is safe to eat. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point is the name given to this technique (HACCP). In the United States, the implementation of HACCP is mandatory for all food service providers, including catering services.
The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) approach is widely used to assess and manage hazards to food safety at all stages of manufacturing. Dairies, farms, fisheries, and food catering establishments like hotels and restaurants are all included. Catering industry is completely affected. A HACCP-based food safety management program is a requirement for all businesses dealing with food.

Here is how you can write your catering HACCP plan:
1. Conduct a Hazard Analysis
To begin, you must catalog and assess any potential hazards that could arise in your catering business. Hazards include, but are not limited to:
- Biological (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc).
- Chemical (such as pesticide residue, toxins, heavy metals, etc).
- Physical (like plastic, glass or other unwanted materials that could harm consumers).
2. Identify the Critical Control Points (CCP)
The next thing to do is to pinpoint all of the Critical Control Points (CCPs). Controls can be implemented to prevent, mitigate, or get rid of hazards at these stages of the process. You’ll also need to determine the precise precautions such as maintaining a clean working space. It should be followed for each of your CCPs.
3. Establish critical limits
Each control measure associated with a CPP needs to have its critical limits defined. These are the standards that must be met in order to determine whether a certain approach to a set of recognized hazards is appropriate.
4. Monitor every CCP
There needs to be continual checks on every CPP to make sure critical limits are being respected. You must therefore develop and implement efficient monitoring processes for each CCP, and you must also identify the conditions under which these measurements are to be done.
5. Establish corrective measures
There is a chance that not all CCPs will proceed properly throughout the procedure, in accordance with the critical limits you set. To avoid potentially harmful food reaching the public, it is important to know what to do when this occurs. If you want to stop this from happening again, you’ll need to figure out why the critical limits aren’t being reached.
6. Establish verification procedures
Checking the validity and efficacy of your HACCP plan is essential. Verification processes such as document and CCP record reviews, equipment calibration, biological sample collection, product testing, and more should be performed routinely.
7. Create a record-keeping system
The final stage is to retain records and paperwork to prove the preceding phases’ success. Information on the hazard analysis and the HACCP team should be recorded here, as well as the monitoring of CCPs, critical limits, corrective measures, and verifications.
Read more: How to Write HACCP Plan? [Complete Guide] – FiveTax
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